• Robert's Love

    Good Tuesday afternoon, my beautiful Rosine, has sido lo más interesante que en mi ha traído alegría, you have been the most wonderful thing that has brought me joy, es por ello que tú me importas ante todo sin medidas, that's why you matter to me at all without measures te he amado, te amare y eso es lo que vale. I loved you, I love you and that's what counts. 



      • Yesterday at 17:41   Delete comment


        I want you above all and above all things. I will not say that I love you because you are important to me, but I will say the opposite: you are important to me because I truly love you and I do not want to stop loving you.

        I don't know why it took me so long to discover the obvious, but today I was overwhelmed by this ecstasy. I hope this news can make you as happy as I am. :))

      • Yesterday at 17:44   Delete comment


        You are really a winner, a born conqueror. Since you laid eyes on me for the first time, I felt overwhelmed by the feeling of love, I felt overwhelmed by your strength and determination, by this charisma that is always on top of the podium, always on top of the world.

    Yesterday at 19:10   Delete comment

    A la lumière du jour pure et doux in the light of day, pure and sweet tel ainsi notre amour as well as our love, my darling Rosine, a chaque éblouissement du soleil each glare of the sun c'est toi quand tu me réveil it's you when you wake me au crépuscule qui se couche at dusk is setting c'est ta bouche qui me touche it's you that moves me et la nuit qui se tait and the night is silent comme notre amour à jamais as our love forever je voudrais être un oiseau I want to be a bird pour chanter sous ta fenêtre to sing under your window mon chant serai un cadeau my song will be a gift que tu aimerai peut-être, your love is, je voudrais être le vent I would be the wind pour caresser tes cheveux to caress your hair en murmurant doucement murmuring softly que tu as de jolies yeux, you have pretty eyes je voudrais être la pluie I want to be the rain pour couler sur ton visage to flow over your face lorsque la chaleur t'ennuie when the heat bother you en été les soirs d'orage, summer evening storm, je voudrais être la nuit I would be the night pour t'offrir des rêves roses, to offer you the dreams pink au ciel quand la lune luit the sky when the moon shines que tes paupières sont closes, that your eyelids are closed, mais ce n'est que moi but it's only me qui désir avec ardeur who earnestly desire que chaque jour de ta vie that every day of your life soit un bouquet de bonheur is a bouquet of happiness c'est tout ce qui m'émeut that is all that moves me quand tu me parles tendrement when you speak to me tenderly ... I love you so much, my beloved, you are my inspiration and greatest love, I wake up in the morning thinking of you, I spend my whole day thinking of you and then I go to bed dreaming of you ... not only do I love you, I adore you and cherish you, my beloved Rosine ... you will be my love for eternity and forever more *kiss*



    Yesterday at 22:07   Delete comment


    My darling, telling you that I miss is not something new because you already know I miss you all the time. I came because I longed for you.. but sleepiness is already very much in control of me, I haven't slept much in the past few days...  to have you kiss the tip of my ear and then, I’d offer you my neck, my shoulders and my arms for you to kiss ten, twenty, a thousand times until you got tired. :)) We both know what happens when we start doing this, don’t we? Well, of thought of it all – the beginning, middle…and end, I miss your mouth and your strong hands pulling me closer to your body.. Well, you can always practice on me..  Missing and longing. Good night my beloved Robert. Rosine





    Yesterday at 22:30   Delete comment

    There are so many things that my heart wants to tell you, my darling Rosine, são tantas as emoções que vivo ao poder estar ao teu lado... there are so many emotions that I live to be able to be by your side ... são tantas as formas de poder apreciar-te cada vez mais... there are so many ways to enjoy yourself more and more ... mas são tantas as palavras... but there are so many words ... que, diante de tamanha emoção que sinto, that before such emotion that I feel, não consigo escrever tudo o que eu gostaria! I can not write everything I want! porém existe algo que consigo dizer, but there is something that I can say, e assim transmitir um pouco do maravilhoso sentimento que sinto por ti... and so convey something of the wonderful feeling that I feel for you , my precious Rosine... esse sentimento de ternura, de amizade, de companheirismo... this feeling of tenderness, love, companionship and desire  ...e, acima de tudo, o que me faz sentir tamanha felicidade a teu lado, é sim, o amor. And above all, what makes me feel such happiness by your side, yes it is, love...have a wonderful night of sleep, my darling, and please be safe ...
    Yesterday at 22:42   Delete comment

    Surround you with my body, my desirable Rosine, before you venture off to dreamland  ... tutto di te... everything about you ... esplorandoti... exploring ... come terra sconosciuta e ambita... as an unknown land and sought after ... conchiglia per te sarei... for you, I'd ... di un mare profondo e puro... a sea of deep and pure ... se io sono nei tuoi pensieri...  I am in your thoughts ... se la tua voce è il nome mio che sussurra piano nella notte...  your voice is whispering my name up in the night ... se le tue mani sono me che cercano... if your hands are looking for me ... freneticamente come appiglio... frantically as a handle ... a cui tu ...nave alla deriva... ... to which you ship adrift ... vuoi approdare... want to land ... qui nel buio del tuo vivere... here in the darkness of your life ... qui nel mio cielo senza nubi... here in my sky without clouds ... mi troverai... you'll find me ... ti accoglierò... will welcome you ... pienamente... fully*kiss*


      • Yesterday at 22:56   Delete comment


        My love, The good thoughts float and become alive because of you, and my existence is richer as I know you are always with me, even when there is a huge distance between us.

        Loving you is like driving a high speed car, trying to guess what´s after the next turn. You always have a surprise in store and that´s what makes me so anxious to see you. :) I always feel that I must run to you and your arms, and pacify my heart.. Good night darling. Night will not fall for you until later. Sleep well. Sweet hugs. Rosine

      • Yesterday at 23:11   Delete comment
      • Yesterday at 23:22   Delete comment



        Be sure these will be very special kisses because you’re worth it. I love you so much. :)



    Yesterday at 23:09   Delete comment

    And the stars were shining, my beloved Rosine . . .
    The earth smelled sweet . . .
    The garden gate creaked . . .
    And a footstep brushed the sand.
    You entered, fragrant,
    And fell into my arms.
    Oh soft kisses, tender caresses,
    While I, all a-quiver,
    Unveiled your lovely features!
    Vanished forever is my dream of love . . .
    That time has fled
    And I die in despair.
    Never have I loved life so dearly!

    Good night, my darling *kiss* be well 



    Yesterday at 23:30   Delete comment

    Only a roof of stars and your body to cover me ... my enticing Rosine ...
    le tue mani sulla mia pelle in cerca di... your hands on my skin in search of ...
    oasi perdute... oasis lost ...
    I miei fianchi si protendono a te... your hips reach out to me ...
    mentre tu respiri ogni mio gemito... while you breathe my every moan ...
    Ti sento forte mentre le nuvole fan da cornice... I hear you loud and the fan frame clouds ...
    avverto brividi tiepidi che mi uniscono a te... I feel warm chills that unite me to you ...
    in un lento danzare di corpi... in a slow dance of bodies ...
    che cercano e pretendono ... who try and pretend ...
    il loro trovarsi... their be ...
    Lenzuola di cielo... Sheets of the sky ...
    poesia di un tramonto... poetry of a sunset ...
    nel silenzio solo un battito... the silence only a beat ...
    i nostri cuori... our hearts ...
    E sentirmi tua... And hear you ...
    e volerti mio... and I want you ...
    e correre a piedi nudi tra soffi e carezze audaci... and run barefoot between puffs and bold caresses ...
    Se questa è la felicità.... fermati attimo... If this is happiness .... stopped briefly ...
    Se questo è il Paradiso... If this is heaven ...
    lasciami quassù... dove esiste solo amore e dove... let me up here ... where there is only love and where ...
    anime di amanti cercano rifugio... souls of lovers seeking refuge ...
    Yesterday at 23:52   Delete comment

    Il sole del mio mattino the sun of my morning tu ...qui davanti a me... you ... here in front of me, my prepossessing Rosine ... lascia che io sia per te... let me be for you ...  la poesia dimenticata... poetry forgotten ...  il bacio di una fiaba... the kiss of a fairy tale ...  soffice carezza... soft caress ...  pellegrinar di mani su un corpo che... pellegrinar of hands on a body that ...  calore più ha... heat longer has ... lasciamo che sia bocca su bocca... let both mouth on mouth ... voglia improvvisa... sudden urge ... quel render fuoco e fiamme... that render fire and flames ... il giocar dei nostri corpi the giocar of our bodies su prati di passione... on lawns with a passion ... tu nel mio cuore... you in my heart ...  io nei tuoi pensieri... I am in your thoughts ...  vento che porta uragano e poi tempesta... wind storm door and then storm ...  e infine quiete di due anime... and finally the quiet of two souls ...  che trovan pace... that trovan peace ... in quei brividi voluti... in those chills took a ...  in quell'affogar dentro me... in quell'affogar inside your heart ... special kisses to my beautiful lover Rosine ... I love you so much ...
    22 hours ago   Delete comment

    And if you must love me for real love is forever ...
    per ciò che questa parola fa nascere nel tuo cuore e... for what this word gives birth in your heart and ...
    nella tua mente... in your mind ...
    E se amore sia fa che il mio nome... And if love is that her name is Rosine...
    sia il primo che ti viene in mente... is the first that comes to mind ...
    appena sveglio... just woke up...
    fa che i miei capelli siano vento sul tuo viso... It is that your hair is wind on my face ...
    E se mi devi amare fa... And if you must love me do ...
    che sia per il ricordo dei miei baci... it is for the memory of my kisses ...
    delle mie carezze e dei miei sospiri... of my caresses and my sighs ...
    Per l'allegria che reco in te... For the joy that I bring to you ...
    per il calore che brucia nel tuo corpo... for the heat burning into your body ...
    al contatto col mio... in touch with my ...
    E fa che sia poesia ogni qualvolta... And let it be poetry every time ...
    ti manco e in breve... I miss you and soon ...
    parole d'amore escono dalle tue labbra... loving words come from your lips ...
    E se puoi amami... And if you love me ...
    di quell'amore che tanto invoco... of that love that so I invoke ...
    che tremendo ne è il mio bisogno... tremendous that it is my need ...
    E se puoi fa che io t'ami come mai... And if you let me love you why ...
    sei stato amato... you have been loved ...
    di quell'amore dolce... lieve e forte... sweet love ... mild and strong ...
    che entra nel tuo cuore... that enters into your heart ...
    come un guerriero dopo una lunga lotta... as a warrior after a long struggle ...
    come colui che trova nell'amore... nel mio amore... as one who is in love ... in my love ...
    le sue radici... its roots ...
    la terra tanto desiderata... land coveted ...
      • 22 hours ago   Delete comment


        Do you know how much I adore you? I want you here with me, if only for one night. I live day to day thinking of you. When I fall asleep I dream that you’re next to me. I dream of you running your hands through my hair, down my back, and over every part of my body. I want to feel every inch of you with my fingers. I imagine kissing you all over your body. Whispering in your ear how badly I want you.  we would feel like we were the only two people in the world. Know that I am with you yesterday and tomorrow and every day for the rest of your life. Whether near or far, I am with you – always. My desire burns as hotly for you as the sun. I am sure I will desire you for as long as the sun keeps shining the winds keep blowing, the snow keeps falling, and the flowers keep blossoming every Spring. Love, Rosine ♥♥


      • 22 hours ago   Delete comment


        Several good things happened today and therefore, I´m feeling really happy. I can´t wait to repeat this moment...  - La vie est pleine de belles surprises et de bonheur d’aventure et de passion. Mais tout cela n’aura aucun sens si tu n’étais pas avec moi. Merci d’avoir bouleversé ma vie d’une si belle façon, j’ai envie de partager plein de moments avec toi et que sa soit éternelle. Tu ne peux pas imaginer combien je t’aime. Si tu ne peux pas me voir ni me toucher alors imagine par ce message que c’est moi te donnant un câlin. :)


    20 hours ago   Delete comment
    I want you, now, my sensual Rosine, I can't get enough of you. Let me touch you... I lay you back on the bed, smiling at you, watching you, seeing you filled with that same desire, that same urgent need, that consumes me too. Hours of flirting, hours of playful foreplay, brings us to this - you, in my bed, laid back, naked, watching me, waiting for me, wanting me to touch you, to tease you, to caress you, I kiss you, hard, greedy, my lips caressing your lips, sliding, teasing, wet, as my tongue slips into your mouth, kissing you hungrily, wanting you, wanting, wanting, wanting... the ice cube is melting quickly ...

    20 hours ago   Delete comment

    I close my eyes and lie perfectly still
    as you come into the room, my sultry Rosine
    I hear the soft pad of your bare feet
    as you come into the room
    I imagine I can hear you unfasten each button
    as you stand by the bed
    followed by the soft rustle of shedding clothes
    as you stand by the bed
    cool air follows you lifting the sheets
    as you slip in beside me
    and with your weight I feel the mattress shift
    as you slip in beside me
    now I can smell your warm scent
    as you press up to me
    now I feel your warm touch
    as you press up to me
    I smell your breath, feeling it upon my ear
    as you pull me to you
    you whisper in my ear "make love to me"
      as you pull me to you

    19 hours ago   Delete comment


    Allow me to stoke your hearths blue flame
    my delightful and delicious Rosine,
    to warm your embers with gentle hands
    a growing heat to warm your painted heart
    and leave you warm throughout the night

    With tongues of fire licking slowly upwards
    burning forth from your blue flame
    as my hands steal across your painted heart
    we join together till the flames consume us

    Later I will massage your back, where your painted heart adorns your skin
    and kiss between the swell of your breasts where the tatooed blue flame does burn...

    19 hours ago   Delete comment
    I want to taste your sweet taboo
    my sweet and tasty Rosine
    sweet chocolate spread across your skin
    a candy covered version of you

    We peel off our clothes for something new
    and with chocolate fingers we begin
    I want to taste your sweet taboo

    smearing, licking, and smearing anew
    licking up your breast, your neck, your chin
    a candy covered version of you

    I lick through chocolate and taste you too
    sweet, sweat, desire, and sin
    I want to taste your sweet taboo

    your turn, and I moan at all you do
    you taste me, then take me deep within
    a candy covered version of you

    sticky together, a crazy chocolate glueremnants of sweet chocolate across your skin
    I want to taste your sweet taboo
    a candy covered version of you

    18 hours ago   Delete comment


    Tous ces moments partagés all these shared moments, my darling Rosine, tous ces sourires multipliés all those smiles multiplied au fil du temps des années over time years quelle douce et belle complicité how sweet and beautiful complicity  aussi longtemps qu'il y al' espoir as long as there is hope l'avenir est toujours prometteur the future is always bright aussi longtemps que dure notre amitié for as long as our friendship le soleil illumine nos coeurs the sun illuminates our hearts. Je viens te souhaiter une agréable journée I wish you a pleasant day et un beau et doux mercredi, qu'il soit and a beautiful and sweet evening it remplie de petits plaisirs très magiques filled with small pleasures very magical. Mes plus douces pensées s' envolent vers toi my sweetest thoughts fly to you ... voyages
     it allows travel
     les plus merveilleux the most wonderful day Wednesday ...I certainly hope I did not keep you up too late, my sexy lover, whose bedroom capers last night left me breathless :)
      • 11 hours ago   Delete comment


        Good morning my love, Then now, exceptionally in the morning too, you will get what you desire... ;) I hope it will be a nice and intimate morning love-making. So now I'm asking you for a little more tenderness, less ferocity. But stay hot. You can get ready dear. It is not possible during the day.. ...

        I straddle you so I can feel the warmth emanating off your body. I love how you always make me feel warm in so many ways. There’s no one else who I want inside me.. You’re the only one who can make me feel completely and utterly sexy to the core. I’ve missed you for so long and this moment in our absolute paradise is everything I wanted it to be. I need you and I’ll feel absolutely crazy with longing... I'm shivering, I want you so much, my love. Rosine




    8 hours ago   Delete comment
    Good morning, my precious and loving Rosine,
    I promise I will be more gentle in our morning sessions
    but no promises about the evening :)
    I start by massaging your shoulders and neck
    working my way – slowly – down your back
    allowing my fingers to stretch outwards, your
    naked body warming to my touch
    tensions easing as my hands move lower
    towards the small of your back and your thighs 
    only to feel my fingers just brush your thighs
    stoking back up your spine to your neck
    eager to once again work my way lower
    down your body, then up, and back
    until you can feel the sensation of my touch
    caressing you from head to toe,
     your every thought is on your
    yearning, on the heat building between your thighs,
    on wanting to feel more than my fingers touch
    until you feel the hairs rise on your neck
    unable to resist you roll onto your back
    now guiding more than just my hands lower 
    curling your fingers in my hair you force me lower
    over the moist heat between your
    naked thighs, you arch your back
    to the sensation of me between your thighs
    running hot chills up your spine, to your neck
    only to descend again, heated by my touch ...
    I love you so much, my darling, I think of you constantly*kiss*


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