• There aren't too many variations in the settings... I don't see a personal setting option...


    I can't find the option to disable, there is only 'edit', but it is not suitable for that.


    "Deactivate comments: You can disable comments in a particular section by going to its editing panel. (Menu "Section" => "Manage sections" to access to the section list)"


    If it were necessary. I've already seen several Americans appear on the other side yesterday. :) The nicky_heart page is not public, but evalilla is public now, because you are not an eklablog user. This was the only way I could solve it so that you could leave a message on the page. So virtually anyone can comment on my page.




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Másolást tiltó kódok.. Másolást tiltó kódok !! Ez van fent az Eklablog Nickyheart oldalon!
egérkövető – pici csillagok Másolást tiltó kódok !! Ez van fent az Eklablog Nickyheart oldalon! 1./ 2./ 3./ 4./ 5./ 6./